Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reflections on Site Supervisor Meeting

Site Supervisor Meeting
I met with Mr. Jim Revill, Superintendent of Frost I.S.D. on Tuesday, June 21 in his office at Frost ISD to discuss my Internship plan. We had spoken in the past about my plans; but this meeting gave me the opportunity to clarify my direction and establish a workable timeline.
I gave Mr. Revill a copy of my draft internship plan the day before so that he could look over it prior to the meeting. At the meeting, I presented him with a copy of my needs assessment and had my text book available with the activities checked that I had chosen. I then explained to Mr. Revill that I needed experiences in all 3 Leadership Domains and the 10 Knowledge and Skills Competencies for Texas Superintendents.
We looked over and briefly discussed each activity. The highlight of the meeting for me was the feeling that I had not only a seasoned Superintendent to guide me through the details of my internship, but also a friendly person who was willing to give of his time to assist me in this endeavor. I felt like he gave me his undivided attention and sincerely critiqued my plans in order to help me align the activities to my needs and to the needs of our school. The more I learn about the Superintendency, the more I realize that it is a position of service, one in which the needs and best interest of others is put before your own. I was also given much encouragement at our meeting. Mr. Revill believes in me and that was made clear in this meeting. He reassured me that my weaknesses can and will be overcome.
I made a few revisions to my plan during and after our meeting. We collaborated on a few of the activities that I needed to change wording in order to make them more specific. An example of this is activity 10 in which I will survey faculty members to solicit methods of motivation. I had limited this to Elementary teachers. Mr. Revill suggested I change the wording to specifically say “successful teachers” so that I could eliminate teachers that need help in the area of motivation as well as to include teachers who are good motivators at our secondary level. There were other activities in which my site supervisor gave feedback as to how I could implement those that did not warrant a change on the internship plan, but the suggestions will be used when I actually implement my plan. The major change that was suggested was that I spread my timeline out over a longer period of time. There are some activities that lend themselves to be done at a specific time of year, while others may be done randomly. We discussed those that could be rearranged so changes were made accordingly.
I was pleased with the outcome of our meeting and left with an excitement about my Internship plan. A project that first seemed overwhelming now is viewed as a helpful and doable experience.


  1. I had a similar experience. Although my site supervisor did not recommend that I change any of the assignments, he did recommend that I focus on budget DURING some of the assignments because all of them, he believes, have an impact on budget. He also stressed that I look for connections to stakeholders, goal setting, and goal attainment as I complete all of the activities. Sounds like you are off to a great start and have a positive experience ahead of you. I feel that way for my plan as well.

  2. My superintendent stated that it is a position of service. I feel I'm lucky to work for a great superintendent who understands how much his words mean in building up others. He is big on developing others, and that's a great leadership quality. Have a great weekend.
