Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Equality - Equity - Adequacy

Equality means every student has the same access to the same type of educational program. These funds are used for educational programs that benefit all students. Examples would be funds used for basic instruction and an equal distribution of funds for teachers to use on consumable supplies.
Equity means that the system is fair and responds to the needs of individuals. Equity in school finance refers to fair and equal distribution of resources. Compensatory funds to assist students who are economically disadvantaged are an example of equity funds. Another example might be use of funds for a remedial reading program for struggling students.
Adequacy means that the school district receives financial support sufficient to provide educational programs to meet state accreditation standards. Examples are funding for math, reading and other basic courses. Another example is the use of funds for mandated interventions for students that do not meet state testing standards.

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