Thursday, September 22, 2011

5342 Week 5 Assignment 1 Reflection

Part 1: Reflection

Administrative leaders who are ethical and able to make ethical decisions are critical to the future of education. Education is a field in which ethical standards are still held in high regard. Practicing ethics in the area of finance requires one to demonstrate integrity and credibility because of handling public funds. It is imperative that school administrators know and follow the Texas Administrative Code of Ethics as well as refrain from any appearance of unethical behavior. Sometimes this means safeguards are put in place for administrators and all school empoyees. I have been taught by a mentor to "always do the right thing." Fortunately that is clear a lot of the time. At other times you must seek advice and research alternatives. Another belief that I use to determine what is right or wrong in the school setting is asking, "Is this best for the child(ren)?" Most of the time this helps make a decision clearer. By studying the TAC of Ethics, having discussions with my site supervisor and other leaders in the education field, and using other rresources this class has offered, i have learned a lot of specific information regarding ethics in the area of school finance.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more with your statement about, "Is this best for the child(ren)." I really think this helps in many situations as well. Great job.
