Saturday, September 10, 2011

Review of FISD's Maintenance and Operations Fund

The source for funding for our maintenance and operations budget is two parts. Over seventy percent (70.29) of our funding comes from state revenue sources. The Foundation portion of the state funding, which is based on student count, weights, and tax effort, makes up over ninety percent of the state share. The other ten percent comes from the Available School Fund.
The other source for maintenance and operations funding comes from the local sources, primarily taxes. Earned interest, gifts, and delinquent tax collections are combined with the current year tax collections to generate this portion.

Our district was able to approve a balanced budget despite the funding cuts from the state. The district has over the past three years reduced its payroll costs through attrition and replacing more experienced teachers with younger, less experienced ones. Over two-thirds (68.75%) of the current budget is committed to payroll costs. While this is a significant portion of the budget, it is down considerably from years past. Another factor impacting the ability to maintain a balanced proposed budget is the district’s voters ratified a Tax Ratification Election (TRE) in 2008. This provides the district with much needed revenue. Approximately ten percent of this year’s projected revenue is the result of this funding source. The approval of the TRE is further enhanced because the district’s tax base grew by approximately nine percent from the previous year.

In addition to the impact of staff reductions over the years, the ability to control expenditures for the current year has been greatly impacted by the removal of capital outlay items of roof repairs and HVAC installations. While these situations might occur, they are not budgeted as they were in the prior year’s budget. Any emergency expenditures for these type projects would be met through budget amendments. Expenditures for lease purchase payments that were made last year are also removed.

1 comment:

  1. Week 3 EDLD 5342 - Part 4 of Assignment reflection:
    Our M&O is funded much the same as that of other districts, Local Taxes and State funding. As for balancing the budget, we have been fortunate. As a small relaticely poor property value district, we had a rollback election at a very opportune time. We also were able to replace teachers that retired or moved to other districts who had higher salaries with younger teachers that have lower salaries without sacrificing any quality. I am very proud of the work our board of trustees and our Superintendent have done with the finances available.
