Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Three Year Professional Development Plan

Rebecca Melton Professional Development Plan
Year One

To aide in increasing student performance rates on standardized tests
Competency and Domain
Domain II
(What do you want to improve?)
I plan to design and implement curriculum that will increase student performance
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
CSCOPE Leadership Support Meetings – one half day approximately every month at ESC 12
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)

ESC CSCOPE contact, Becca Bell

Date of
June 2013
(How will you know you have improved?)
Student performance rates will increase on standardized tests.
To promote professional growth among staff members
Competency and Domain
Domain II
(What do you want to improve?)
Staff members will make better choices for staff development that will impact their teaching
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)

Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
ESC Region 12 staff and speakers;
Jim Revill, Supt. Frost ISD
Kenneth Hall, Supt. Crawford ISD
Date of

June 2013
(How will you know you have improved?)

Staff members will have attended at least two professional development activities and reported learning back to their respective campuses

Year Two

To become more involved in the hiring of personnel
Competency and Domain
Domain II
Competency #006
(What do you want to improve?)
To become more proficient in the interview process and evaluation of personnel
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
Book – "Embedded Formative Assessment" by Dylan Wiliam
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Kenneth Hall, Supt. Crawford ISD
Jim Revill, Supt. Frost ISD
Date of

June 2014
(How will you know you have improved?)
I will be successful in hiring excellent teachers that fit in well with our school
To improve teaching on my campus
Competency and Domain
Domain II
Competency # 007
(What do you want to improve?) To change the mind-set of teachers that are not effectively using new curriculum methods, teaching techniques and technology
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)

Book Study:
Anthology – "21st Century Skills, Rethinking how Children Learn"
Edited by James Bellanca and Ron Brandt
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Gordon Lockett, Deputy Supt. New Caney ISD
Date of
June 2014
(How will you know you have improved?)
Teachers will use better teaching techniques and student success will improve

Year Three

Competency and Domain
Domain III
Competency #008
(What do you want to improve?)
To improve my skills relating to district budgeting and allocation of funds
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)

ESC Region 12 Financial/budgeting workshops
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Mr. Jim Revill, Supt. of Frost ISD
Larry Baer, Director of Finance, Rice ISD
Date of
June 2015
(How will you know you have improved?)
The school budget will be balanced and a positive audit report will be received
To correct unsafe conditions of the physical plant
Competency and Domain
Domain III
Competency #009
(What do you want to improve?)
Identify and correct areas of the school that need maintenance or safety features installed
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
National School Safety Center –

site contains questionnaires, free resources, books, videos and training
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Jim Revill, Supt. , Frost ISD,
Jacob Harrington, Director of maintenance, Frost ISD,
Jim Owens,
Director of Maintenance, BGISD

Date of
June 2015
(How will you know you have improved?)
The school will comply with state and federal safety standards

Sunday, February 19, 2012

SISE Reflections

I met with my site supervisor this week to discuss the SISE and to gain information concerning his opinion of my strengths and weaknessses throughout the internship program. He was very complimentary and has witnessed the hard work I have put in to attain this certification. A nice pat on the back felt really well as the deadlines for the end of this course are quickly approaching. He felt that my strength was in Domain I - School and Community Leadership. I have grown up in this community and know it well. I began teaching here twenty-six years ago! Sometimes that is a positive thing, and at other times it is a negative. However, I have been a leader in the community and the school, and I a m able to mobilize resources, communicate well and interact with nearly all members of the community in a positive way. My supervisor and I discussed Domain II - Instructional Leadership and concluded that I have room for growth in most of these areas. There have been issues this year where strong instructional leadership was needed to implement a time-consuming curriculum model. I know I could have done a better job of facilitating this change with more knowledge and experience. I added this area to my Professional Development Plan because I desire to be a better instructional leader. In Domain III, we also discussed the need for further experience working with a budget and physical plant issues. He commended me on working with staff such as bus drivers, cafeteria supervisor and workers, maintenance workers and instructional aides. This is due in part to my ties with the community and the rapport I have with various sectors. I also have examined most of their roles during my internship and I have enjoyed supervising all of the staff. Again, I plan to further my learning in the area of finances. I realize the need and know I must get out of my comfort zone and be more involved in this area. My supervisor told me on more than one occasion that this is an area in which learning by doing really applies. I also plan to gain experience and skills in the area of construction, renovation and safety of facilities. There is so much to know in this area, but it is so important as it directly affects student safety and security. Again, I have enjoyed every meeting with my site supervisor and hope to have more even though the requirements of this program are over. As an educator, I easily realize the need for on-going learning and turning to those such as my supervisor that are in a position to teach while on the job!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reflections on Three Year Professional Development Plan

As I reflected upon the SISE, the meeting with my site supervisor, my pre- and post -self-assessments, and my own reflections from the program, I found that although I feel proficient in most areas, the areas in which I need the most improvement were in instructional leadership, encouraging my staff to take risks and use more modern teaching and technology, finance, interviewing and making decisions concerning new hires, and safety and maintenance of the physical plant. These areas in which I choose to do further study are of great interest to me and are necessary to become the best superintendent that I can be. I chose some books, websites and workshops to help me attain my goals. I chose people that I admire, most of whom I have worked with previously that I consider experts in the areas mentioned in my plan. I really like the idea of planning out what areas to focus on in the near future. There are so many professional development opportunities offered to administrators that one could easily be away from campus to attend training of some type each week. Obviously that is an extreme scenario, but having specific goals will help me choose how to best spend my time. Writing goals and detailed plans with evaluation tools will help me remain accountable to myself as I fulfill the tasks. Even as I am now completing a rigorous certification program, I am looking forward to continue learning more about becoming a better leader.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Part D - 5399 - Reflections on Reflecting

I learned as I was involved in professional development years ago that a definition of critical thinking is “thinking about your thinking while you are thinking.” This concept was brought to mind as I considered the reflecting I have done throughout this program. I have learned to rely upon these reflections to evaluate my leadership skills as well as my job performance. As our text (School Leader Internship, Martin et.al, p.104) explains, expert leaders use reflection as they are going about their job duties. Reflection is not isolated; it is something we must do as we are leading our school. I have also learned that reflection helps us to anticipate and possibly prevent problems, see things from others’ perspectives, and prioritize needs of our staff, students and the school as a whole. Documentation of these reflections is also important. Journaling or taking notes in some way helps us to recall events and what we have learned from them so that we can improve upon the way in which we react to or plan events in the future.

For EDLD 5387, my signature assignment was writing a proposed professional development plan for the coming school year. My reflection upon this assignment was beneficial because I was able to review the plan through the eyes of the staff as well as to examine where there were additional needs. I also did not want to propose development heavier in one area and neglect other areas. As I view professional development as a very important aspect of school success, this reflection was imperative as the school leader so I could provide necessary and relevant professional development options for my staff.
In EDLD 5342, week 5 assignment, we were asked to reflect upon ethical behavior regarding the financial aspect of the Superintendency. I believe that reflection was important to me as it helped me to solidify my thoughts and beliefs about how highly important it is for the Superintendent to maintain ethical and moral judgment and behavior as the chief financial officer of the district. Handling public funds is a tremendous task and must be done with credibility and integrity. I was reminded by revisiting the reflection to adhere to the Texas Administrative Code of Ethics if there is a questionable situation. My policy of “always do the right things for the children” is a beginning, but laws and ethical standards must always be adhered to.

In this final course, we were asked to reflect upon each of the Superintendent competencies and post those reflections to our blogs. This was one of the longer and more intense reflections that I wrote, but was also one of the most beneficial. It allowed me to look at each competency and scrutinize every aspect. This not only will better prepare me for the TEXES exam, but will assist me as I fulfill my present job duties as a campus principal and seek a Superintendent position. I feel the postings of other students were also constructive as I read their reflections and learned from my peers.
Another reflection on my blog that has proved beneficial was the final reflection of the Finance course, 5342. I learned a wealth of information in that course and the reflection on my blog will be there to remind me of pertinent information and guides me to recall specific resources. As I have stated before, I began this program feeling as if the financial duties of a Superintendent were overwhelming, but I soon learned that I will be able to fulfill these duties as long as I adhere to rules and regulations and use resources that are available to assist me in this process. I also will be an effective financial officer as I adhere to the ethics and integrity that must be present in all aspects of the superintendency.

As I looked back at my course and campus supervised logs, I recall the many activities that I have been involved with during this program. The interconnectedness is something that really stands out as I peruse the logs. As I chose activities early in the coursework, I recall the dilemmas I had when choosing activities and then determining which competency they relate to. The logs helped me to balance some of the areas of learning. I also learned from keeping logs how many facets there are to the role of Superintendent. It seems overwhelming; however I am confident in the preparation I have through the Lamar program. I looked back over the reflection I posted in Tk20 of my internship plan and recalled the insight I received from writing it. I have learned that planning ahead is imperative for an instructional leader. From the beginning of this coursework, it was evident that working consistently rather than procrastinating will produce the best results.
The Pre and Post self-assessment reflections were very insightful as I was able to quickly identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. I saw that I made improvements in many areas and that my confidence level was raised dramatically. Although I know I have many things yet to learn, I know I possess knowledge in all areas of competency that are required of a superintendent. Preparing for and taking the Lamar competency exam also provided a time of reflection over a grand scale of material. Fortunately, I passed the test the first time and I believe that is due in part to the reflections I made over many of the assignments, intern activities and other required coursework. The reflections served as a mini review or synopsis of elements of each course.

I especially enjoyed the times I interviewed my site supervisor; therefore the reflections were quite helpful. He always offered information beyond the assigned subjects and questions. I continue to learn things daily from him as we work together. He is an integral part of the day to day happenings at my school and I am able to observe or participate in many activities with him. He uses reflective skills by discussing and collaborating with staff members after specific events have taken place. He also documents activities and their outcomes carefully and has set a great example for me.


I have already begun to use reflective activities to improve my leadership skills in my present job. Should I pursue a job at a different level of leadership, or if I choose to remain in my present position, I plan to take these skills and apply them in order to make a positive impact on my staff and students. Journaling is a way that I have begun to make reflections. Each day or two, I make entries into my journal about the happenings of the day. Along with that, I describe feelings about my decisions or actions and make note of areas in which I could improve. I also slow down at times during the day, close my office door and ponder what I need to get done and what I have already taken care of. This may simply be for 5 or 10 minutes, and I may or may not make notes, but it allows me to reconnect to my reason for making decisions and to remind myself to be in the moment, enjoy my job and the people around me. This is especially helpful on a stressful day. Throughout this coursework I have become more aware of decisions I make, programs and plans I implement and actions I take each day. I have always been a person who thinks a lot about something before I make a decision, but I am now realizing it is just as important to analyze a situation after its completion. A practical example of this is going on in my school now. The administration made a decision to implement CSCOPE across all four core curriculum areas. This has been a point of contention to say the least. The other administrators and I are presently looking at the use of this curriculum and determining whether we made the right decision. We are using data, teacher input and research to collaborate on this decision. There is much reflection going on by the teachers and the administration.
My plan is to incorporate reflective skills into my professional life and my “everyday” life. The need for reflection is great and the benefits are immeasurable.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

5399 Week 3 - Reflection on DIP and CIP

Week Three Assignment Part 2 – Part C of Comprehensive Final Report
Reflection on Recommendations and District/Campus Improvement Initiative
I was able to be involved in implementing CSCOPE across all core subjects, planning scheduled benchmark testing, planning for improved professional development and purchasing Eduphoria software for our district. I learned many valuable lessons as these recommendations have made an impact on the work-load of teachers and upon the rigor of lessons taught to the students. Our ultimate goal is to increase student learning, making them critical thinkers and preparing them for a future that holds endless possibilities.
In implementing CSCOPE across all curriculum areas, the administration was met with some resistance. Collaboration with our teachers and properly preparing them for the change would have been instrumental in teacher’s attitudes toward this immense change. I quickly learned that if a group does not feel ownership of a program such as this, they are slow to change and lack the passion an administrator wants to see as the teacher proceeds with the proposed change. I have also learned to actively listen to my staff. I assure them that we are all on the same side, working toward the same goal.
We also implemented a new plan for benchmark testing that includes all testing grades to take benchmarks in the same week. We scheduled test dates for October, December and February. This has taught me that a systematic and consistent benchmark practice allows for better planning of ancillary class schedules and extracurricular events. This also provides for more accurate and timely data for decisions concerning tutoring and interventions. Parents, teachers and students are also able to make better decisions concerning test expectations.
This activity has been beneficial as I have revisited the planning and thought processes behind some of the changes we have implemented this year. I am looking forward to and planning for next year with enthusiasm and hope for even greater student success.