Sunday, February 5, 2012

5399 Week 3 - Reflection on DIP and CIP

Week Three Assignment Part 2 – Part C of Comprehensive Final Report
Reflection on Recommendations and District/Campus Improvement Initiative
I was able to be involved in implementing CSCOPE across all core subjects, planning scheduled benchmark testing, planning for improved professional development and purchasing Eduphoria software for our district. I learned many valuable lessons as these recommendations have made an impact on the work-load of teachers and upon the rigor of lessons taught to the students. Our ultimate goal is to increase student learning, making them critical thinkers and preparing them for a future that holds endless possibilities.
In implementing CSCOPE across all curriculum areas, the administration was met with some resistance. Collaboration with our teachers and properly preparing them for the change would have been instrumental in teacher’s attitudes toward this immense change. I quickly learned that if a group does not feel ownership of a program such as this, they are slow to change and lack the passion an administrator wants to see as the teacher proceeds with the proposed change. I have also learned to actively listen to my staff. I assure them that we are all on the same side, working toward the same goal.
We also implemented a new plan for benchmark testing that includes all testing grades to take benchmarks in the same week. We scheduled test dates for October, December and February. This has taught me that a systematic and consistent benchmark practice allows for better planning of ancillary class schedules and extracurricular events. This also provides for more accurate and timely data for decisions concerning tutoring and interventions. Parents, teachers and students are also able to make better decisions concerning test expectations.
This activity has been beneficial as I have revisited the planning and thought processes behind some of the changes we have implemented this year. I am looking forward to and planning for next year with enthusiasm and hope for even greater student success.

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