Sunday, January 22, 2012

Career Position and Leadership Goals 5399


I am currently the elementary principal in a small 1A school. I have gained a wealth of knowledge these past months in this certification program and through my job experience. I plan to ultimately hold a superintendent’s position in a small school or to teach at a nearby University in an educational leadership program. In order to transition to either of those positions, I feel it is necessary that I have some secondary and/ or district-wide experience either as a principal or assistant superintendent. Either of these positions will help me gain experience working with older children and young adults. I have the opportunity to work in the same office area as my superintendent and I am exposed to many of his duties and activities. Remaining in my current position another year or so will still allow me the opportunity to learn from the superintendent so that I may be prepared for that role in the future as I am only willing to accept jobs that are within a reasonable distance from my present location for a number of personal reasons. I live in a rural area and there are schools around almost every five to ten miles. I am not concerned greatly with future assistant superintendent, superintendent or university leadership job openings. I have patience and support and know that when the right position comes along, I will be prepared.


I have always wanted to be an educational leader. My motivation is to help educate the children of the community in which I was raised. I realize my situation is unique and I am privileged to lead in the community where I have gained 26 years of experience as an educator. Generally, the families in the area are poor, and have minimal education, but most of them are hard-working, good people that want better for their children. I am trusted and accepted here because I am a local that has intertwined relationships and ties of friendships with many of the families. I want the families to envision their children as college graduates, self-reliant, contributors to society. I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when I hear of students from poor and sometimes uneducated families earning college degrees and attaining success in their jobs.

My internship through this program has forced me to participate in a variety of activities I would otherwise have not been a part. It was challenging to work with the financial aspect of the school system, yet I gained a knowledge base that I will continue to build on. The activities that dealt with examining assessments and making decisions concerning curriculum and focus honed my leadership skills that include leading my teachers to use best practices and ultimately improve student achievement. This obviously connects to my desire to see the children of this community succeed.

I know the educational system is in an unusually difficult situation now. It is challenging for new teachers to get jobs and funding is questionable at best. Several of my colleagues are leaving the profession this school year. They will be replaced with inexperienced, yet hopefully well-prepared and energetic teachers that are just beginning to ride the tides of change in education. It is my desire to assist the new as well as the experienced teachers as we enter into future years of challenge in education.

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