Sunday, January 22, 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel 5399 SBEC self-assessment

Upon completion of the SBEC Superintendent Competencies self-assessment, I found that I had grown in most of the areas that I needed improvement or felt competent when I first took the assessment at the beginning of this program. I can see a correlation between this improvement and related activities required in the coursework.
The areas in which I feel I need the most improvement are found in Domain III, Competency 9. Budget planning and management, working with the board to develop the budget, auditing and management of the budget and using revenue forecasting are the areas in which I feel the least able. I have learned a lot this year in my job and through the coursework in these areas and I am confident that I can make great strides in the areas of leadership and management that concern finance with experience and further study. Along these same lines, I feel competent, rather than strong concerning record keeping, allocation of resources, purchasing and other skills found in the area of competency 8 that broaden the financial aspect of being a district leader. I am sure I can and will make ethical decisions regarding finance; however the legalities and details of budgeting are my shortfalls.
Domain 1, competency 2 includes facilitating the development, use and allocation of all available resources to support the implementation of the district’s goals and vision. I feel competent in this area; however I know I have room for improvement. This competency is tied to the above referenced competencies dealing with finance that I know I need additional experience and practice before I can feel as if this is strength. Another area in which I feel I am competent is keeping abreast of the political factors that affect education and making decisions based on those. I have made great strides in competency 4, especially in the area of feeling comfortable and proficient in communication and working alongside the board of trustees. I have lived in this community all my life and the board knows that I have a sincere interest in the lives and education of the students. It has been an easy experience for me to attend board meetings through the eyes of a prospective superintendent rather than a building principal.
I will add the skill of analyzing and using political influence to benefit education as another area that I feel I need improvement. This is found in competency 10. Again, experience and purposeful study are my plans for gaining skills in this area.
Another area that I feel competent, yet need improvement is in utilizing the latest technology to enhance the curriculum for all of our students. This appears to be an area where I have not been totally immersed nor have I been forced to remain abreast of the newest trends. I feel I am technologically capable and use technology in my job effectively; however I feel that I can learn much more about transferring this to the classroom and other district operations if I had the resources and the time.
This now brings me to the strengths I have identified through this self-assessment. The main strength I find is that I have the students’ best interest in mind when making plans and decisions. I have practiced skills of communication and advocating for children even before I was in administration. Communication in a way that is fair, reasonable and understandable to whichever audience I am speaking is one of my strongest skills. As a principal, I use this skill often; therefore I have much on the job training in this area. I feel I am strong in competencies 2 and 3 as well which deal with shaping of the district culture, communication and collaboration with the community so that their needs are addressed and resources are maximized for the best education possible of the community’s children. I recognize that a staff must have a culture that promotes learning, has a shared vision and uses all available resources to ensure that rigorous learning is taking place. I am a risk taker in that I am not afraid to try new, innovative approaches to teaching and learning if I feel strongly that it will positively impact my students. These skills pair well with skills in competency 4 in which I also feel are my strengths. I am able to analyze and respond to the outside influences in order to achieve our district’s educational vision. I especially feel confident in working with the board of trustees about subjects that range from federal and state laws to district policies and procedures.
I have grown in Domain II in all of the competencies. Instructional leadership is a great responsibility of a building principal and more so the overall responsibility of the superintendent. I have been able to practice many of the skills in this area throughout my tenure in administration. My Superintendent and I made a decision prior to the beginning of this school year to fully implement C-SCOPE on my campus. Our assessment scores were lower than we believed they could be in some areas last year, so we needed a curriculum that would foster more creative thinking and be aligned to ensure thorough coverage of materials. Most importantly we wanted to ensure that all children were being taught in the best way possible. The implementation of C-SCOPE provided the experience for me to grow, especially in competencies 5 and 6. I also feel one of my strengths now is evaluation of staff development and providing or finding the needed training for my staff. I model life-long learning for my staff and encourage them to attend webinars and other available staff development they need. In Domain III, one of my strengths is the ability I have to maintain and manage the physical plant and ensure a safe learning environment. My husband is a contractor and I have experience that allows me to easily evaluate and plan for renovations, repairs and regular building maintenance. I am also highly involved with the food services, transportation and health services as the principal of my school, so I can effectively lead in these areas. I have also made it a priority to remain updated on legal requirements for our facilities. I am also adept at using decision making skills and collaboration to promote change that supports our school’s vision and goals.

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